Review: Fin's Creekside in Calabasas

The TALFDC was cruising for a seafood restaurant on cold February Friday night - the destination was King's Fish House . Upon arrival we first notice the neon sign - this obviously raised some red flags with some of the members. This didn't stop the TALFDC from doing some observation first - mostly because I was driving. Once we pulled up to the side of the restaurant Jintapracha was named and we went into a contingency plan. We decided to search the well known old town Calabasas. After making some skillful U-turns back and forth to locate a parking spot, we began our search for the perfect seafood location for our meeting. The new location found was Fin's Creekside. This restaurant was pretty much unknown to us so we arrived only to be place in the outdoor location of seating. It wasn't terrible since they provided heating from lamps and the service both from our waitress and hostess was great. It was unfortunate not to be seated inside though - they provide live music both from a small band or a piano player. For appetizers I chose to start with fried calamari. I know this can be generally ordered at almost any type of restaurant, but I'm a calamari fan. Surprisingly the method of cooking was nice - not oily and plenty of dipping sauce. My main dish was called Swordfish Tower - contrary to the name it was nothing but two slices of swordfish on top of each other. The taste itself was disappointing as well - it was very salty and when I attempted to disregard the salt on it the fish itself didn't seem all too great. However the service at the restaurant was excellent - We generally had two or more people help with cleaning up used plates and refills on drinks. The prices for the restaurant was an average of $30 dollars a meal - not extremely expensive, but not worth the hit to the wallet if you just want to have a fried fish. Time for TALFDC breakdown.
Overall Breakdown

Value: 1/5 Fish
Service: 4/5 Fish
Food: 1/5 Fish
Environment: 3/5 Fish
Overall: 9/20 Fish
Rating: Halibut
Recommend: Only for a date assuming you can be seated inside with the music.